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Llanrhidian Primary School

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To make use of capital letters, full stops and finger spaces

To make correct use of full stops, question marks, explanation marks and commas

To make some correct use of a range of punctuation e.g. colons, bullet points, commas and speech marks


Dyma Punctuation Pete!





Label Pete with the following things:

Capital letter

Full stops

Finger Space


Label Pete with the following things:

Capital letters

Full stops

Finger Space


Question mark

Exclamation mark


Label Pete with the following things:

Capital letters

Full stops

Finger Space


Question mark

Exclamation mark


Semi colon


Speech marks



Task! Choose your chilli!


Find the missing punctuation and re draft the paragraph. As you add the punctuation, place a small purple tick next to him.


Pob Lwc!


Red chilli - will not include a colon or semi colon as we will have an extra GRaSp session just for these!



