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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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jardin de fleurs - 1

'jardin de fleurs' 

This week, we will be learning all about planting, gardening, and growing our own plants. Each day, we will explore a different aspect of planting, from selecting seeds and preparing the soil to caring for our plants as they grow.

Let's Plant a Garden!

Our Garden 


Let's come together to create a vibrant garden showcasing our individuality through unique flowers! Decorate your own special flower with paints, collages, or crafts, and proudly display it among the colourful array of blooms in our garden.

Describing Game 


Check out these cool plants and pictures of them growing! I'll describe one to you and give you clues to guess which one it is. Let's see if you can figure it out together!


Grass Heads 


This week, we're going to have a blast learning how to plant and grow our very own grass heads. Get ready to get your hands dirty, have some fun, and watch your grassy friend sprout up right before your eyes! Let's get started!

There's a Worm at the Bottom of the Garden 🐛
