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I wonder how did the writers of ‘The Lion King’ use music and drama to create specific mood and emotion?



L.O: I can identify the mood and emotion of a performer? 



Let's Activate Our Prior Knowledge!

How does a performer show emotion to their audience? I wonder, is there more than one way?

1. What emotions do the animals show during Simba’s welcoming at Pride Rock?


Watch the clip of Simba being presented to Pride rock!


 How do the monkey's feel when Simba appears on Pride rock? How do you know?

I think the monkey's feel... I think this because...


 Pause the video at 1 minute and 6 seconds. What does Simba's facial expression tell you about how he is feeling, why do you think he feels like this?


 Compare  the body language of Mufasa and Sarabi (34 seconds) with the body language of the zebra's (1 minute 14 seconds). What do you think each of the characters of feeling, why?

Simba's Birth Scene - Circle of Life - The Lion King (1994) Movie Clip HD

2. What does the way Mufasa and Scar look like tell the audience about their character?


        Mufasa                                          Scar                                                                        

 Look at the cartoon images of Mufasa and Scar. What does the way they look show about their character?

I think Mufasa is_______ because he has________.

I think Scar is _______ because he has ________.


 Comment on three differences between the way Scar and Mufasa look that show differences in their personality. 


 Click on the image to understand what the colour green means. Why does Scar have green eyes? What motive does he have in the film to feel this way towards Mufasa?


Having green eyes means________. I think the artist has given Scar green eyes because________.

3.‘The Circle of Life’ is a famous song from The Lion King. What religions believe in this message?


Watch the clip and listen to Mufasa's message.



The Lion King 3D - 'Morning Lesson With Mufasa'- Official Disney Movie Clip

In The Lion King, Mufasa says, "Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. When we die, our bodies become grass, and the antelope eat the grass, so we are all connected in the Circle of Life."


1. What do you think the quote means?


2. Choose a chili and answer the question below, click the BBC image to find out more. 



 Which religion believes in 'The Circle of Life'?

 What is the cycle of 'Samsara'? (You can draw an image to illustrate your explanation).

 What is Samsara and Moksha? (You can draw an image to illustrate your explanation).

4. Beth wyt ti'n mwynhau canu?


Dw i'n mwynhau canu... achos mae'n...

Dw i'n mwynhau can... achos man'n... ond dw i'n ddim yn mwynah canu... achos mae'n...



hwyl - fun

hapus - happy

diddorol - interesting

drwg - evil

ddiflas - boring

blino - annoying

5. The Lion King has been on stage in London since 1999. What data is there about the show?



 The Lion King show in London has 1,233 seats in total. How many thousands, hundreds, tens and units are there in the total number of seats?


 If there are 2,346 programmes being sold for The Lion King show and each programme costs £3. How many tens are there in the total cost of all the programmes if they are all sold?


 There are 2,456 programmes being sold for The Lion King show. If you sell 1,230 programmes in the first week, how many programmes remain? How many hundreds are left after the sale?


ACE: Create a poem of your choice about ‘Pride Rock’.

