The school’s Governing Body has a complaints procedure established to deal with complaints made by parents and others in respect of the performance of duties and or exercise of powers by the LA or by the Governing Body.
Any parents, or other concerned person, who may have a complaint should first discuss their concern formally with the head teacher. The head teacher and staff are committed to dealing with parental concerns, to resolving parental misunderstandings and to providing real solutions as speedily as practicable.
We are also committed to learning from any mistakes made in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding. We offer parents the opportunity to comment on matters relating to the school in a regular survey or when considered necessary.
All members of staff are encouraged to respond personally to concerns which parents and children raise with them. If considered appropriate, your concerns will also be passed to the head teacher.
Should the matter not be resolved, the complainant may be asked to put their issue in writing, in line with the school’s complaints policy. The school’s complaint policy is available on request.
Complaints Policy Request
Please use this form to submit a request for our school's complaints policy.