Article 28 "Your right to learn and go to school."
Article 29 "Your right to become the best you can be."
Education Welfare Service - Attendance Letter to Parents
North Gower Partnership Attendance Policy
Local Authority Attendance Policy
Article28 – Every child has the right to learn and go to school (UNCRC)
Attendance in Llanrhidian Primary School
School Target 96.85%
- Llanrhidian Primary School has a dedicated Attendance Manager who is available to support you with your child’s attendance. This is Mrs. J. Froom.
- Every school in Swansea has an allocated Education Welfare Officer who visits or contacts the school regularly.
- The School may refer your child to the Education Welfare Officer if their attendance or punctuality is causing concern. The Education Welfare Officer will then contact you either by phone, letter or with a home visit to discuss the school’s concerns and how the attendance of punctuality can be improved.
- You can contact the Education Welfare Officer via the school.
10 Tips to help you and your child make going to school easier
- Help them get their school bag packed the night before
- Make sure their uniform is ready especially after the holidays or weekend
- Get them to bed at a reasonable time so they have a good nights 'sleep
- Set the alarm clock early enough to allow plenty of time to get ready properly
- Make sure they have some breakfast if they are not attending breakfast club
- Remind them to set off for the bus or start walking early enough so they won’t be late: punctuality is important
- Check to make sure they have everything they need – books, PE kit, dinner money etc.
- If your child is finding the work too hard speak to the teacher
- Talk to your child about that they did in school today
- If you or your child are unhappy about the way they are treated by staff or other pupils, contact the school straight away
Key Facts
- The Welsh Government regards 96.5% as good attendance for Llanrhidian Primary School.
- Keeping children away from school for no good reason is a criminal offence
- 80% attendance is the same as having a day off every week
- Most children should routinely have attendance rates of 97% or more. This is the equivalent of 6 days absence a year. BUT 100% is achieved by many pupils every year in both primary and secondary schools.
- If you take a two week holiday in term time your child’s attendance will automatically be reduced to less than 95% and this is without sickness.
- If you take a 2 week holiday every year in secondary school your child will have missed 10 weeks worth of education by the time they sit their GCSE’s (assuming they haven’t had a single day off for illness).
- Prolonged absence from school can lead to loneliness. It can make it harder for your child to get along with other children and make friends.
- Keep an eye out for early signs of your child not wanting to go to school, such as moodiness, headaches, or stomach aches, especially at important times like the transition into year 7 or after the school holidays. Act upon these signs early, please don’t be frightened to speak to someone in school or ring the Education Welfare Officer allocated to the school.
- A 2 week holiday each year in primary school means a total of 14 weeks teaching time missed – this could have a real impact on their basic literacy and numeracy skills.