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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Improvement

Llanrhidian Primary School has very effective record of school improvement.  


Self-evaluation helps our school improve by giving us a clear picture of how well we are doing and what steps we need to take next. It helps us understand which areas need improvement and guides us in planning actions based on evidence. This process leads to meaningful benefits for our pupils.


There are 5 important aspects to our robust and embedded self-evaluation:-


  1. Self evaluation processes are an embedded feature of our school improvement cycle
  2. Self evaluation involves all staff 
  3. Effective communication and sharing of areas for improvement with all stakeholders
  4. Clear links between staff development and school priorities
  5. Culture of high challenge and low threat


In Llanrhidian we see self evaluation processes as an entitlement to support our professional learning. What does self evaluation look like in Llanrhidian Primary School? 

Click the Monitoring, Evaluating and Reviewing button to find out more.
