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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Pupil Voice, Pupil Choice!

Pupil Voice, Pupil Choice!

You are vital to driving the direction of change in our school.  Your voice helps us to shape our curriculum and change policy.  You have the power to make responsible decisions and choices, rather than accepting those determined by others.  There are 3 components to your pupil voice:-

1. Sharing thoughts, ideas and opinions

2. Offering realistic suggestions for the good of everyone

3. Accepting responsibility for not only what is said, but for what needs to be done. 


Why is your voice important?

1. Having your voice heard improves your well-being

2. You can drive positive change in the school

3. You will learn skills that you can use for the rest of your life



There are a number of pupil groups in Llanrhidian.  This is for two reasons:- 


  • To include as many pupils as possible in the decision making process of the school 
  • To develop the skills and confidence needed for life, underpinned by the four purposes 


Here you will find the latest news from our pupil groups to keep you updated! 

Pupil Voice 2024-2025
