Click Here for Latest information from Public Health Wales.
Health Matters
Children are not allowed to keep medicines on their person; the teachers keep all medicines, including asthma pumps. We may administer some medicines, following the completion of of the "Request for the Administration of prescribed medication in school form - Click here!"
If a child becomes unwell during the school day, one of our qualified first aiders will assess the child to decide whether they should be sent home, in which case parents/guardians will be contacted to come to school to collect their child. However, we strongly recommend that if a child is feeling unwell before school in the morning then it is in the interest of the child to keep him/her at home until the child recovers.
Children showing symptoms of sickness should be kept at home. It is also unwise to send your child back to school too soon after illness. If the child’s illness is infectious, please inform the school immediately.
If your child has been ill, e.g. with chicken pox etc, there is often conflicting advice on the amount of time they should be absent from school, depending on the doctor they see. To make things easier for you, we have asked the Health Protection Agency for guidance and have set out below advice about the most common illnesses and infections.
Disease or Condition | Period of absence from School |
Chicken pox | Five days from onset of rash |
German measles | Six days from onset of swelling |
Impetigo | Until lesions have crusted and healed or 48 hours after starting antibiotics |
Measles | Four days from onset of rash |
Slapped cheek | None |
Diarrhoea/Vomiting | 48 hours from last episode |
Conjunctivitis | None |
Mumps | Five days from onset of swelling |
Threadworms | None |
Tonsillitis | None |
Outbreaks of head lice occur frequently in all schools. Parents are strongly advised to check their child’s hair at least once a week and inform the school immediately if lice are found. A blanket letter will be sent to all parents, asking them to treat their child’s hair if lice are found. Confidentiality is assured. Individual parents will be contacted if their child has head lice.
Please ensure that the school is informed about any medical condition known to you that is likely to affect your child’s education. This information will be added to your child’s health care record. At various stages throughout the school, the children will receive medical examinations including eyesight and hearing tests by the school nurse.
School Nursing information for Reception Parents
When Should I Worry Booklet - NHS The booklet is aimed at parents / carers with young children to give some safety netting information / red flags when dealing with respiratory tract infections.
Flu Vaccine information - School Nursing Service
Medical Consent Form
School Entry Health Review
School Nursing Service Leaflet
School Nursing Service
Our School Nurse is Lowri Orchard
Contact Details:
9.00am – 5.00pm
Monday to Friday
01792 531248
The School Nursing Service aims to promote the health of the school-aged population and ensures help, advice and support is available to children, parents, guardians and carers.
When children enter reception class the care of your child is transferred from the Health Visitor to the School Nurse.
All schools have access to a named School Nurse. The School Nurse aims to inform, educate and support children and young people to make healthy lifestyle choices to enable them to become healthy adults.
The School Nursing Service is delivered by a team of School Nurses and other health professionals.
The School Nursing Service Includes:
- Health Questionnaires/Assessments on School Entry
- Height, Weight and Vision Screening (Reception)
- Fluenz vaccination (nasal spray) for all pupils
- Health Education/Promotion
- Sex and Relationship Education i.e. growing up, puberty and body changes (Year 5/6)
- Referrals to other agencies for example Optometrist, Dietician, Paediatrician
- Safeguarding
The School Nurse has a special role providing a link between school, home and the community and will respond to any concerns on an individual basis.
This is an important time in your child’s life. The School Nursing Service is available throughout your child’s time in school to discuss and address any concerns you may have.