Over the next two weeks we will be having lots of fun celebrating Easter.
Celebrating Easter

All About Easter
Numeracy - 2D Shapes
Can you use the 2D shapes to make an Easter Bunny or an Easter Chick?
What shapes have you used?
What can you tell me about the shape?
2D Shapes

2D Shapes

STEM - Egg Rolling
In the story of ‘Brenda’s Boring Egg’, we see eggs ready to hatch. This activity looks at the traditional Easter tradition of egg rolling. Children will design a ramp to roll an egg as far as possible.
Read the story below:
Brenda's Boring Egg
How can we make an egg roll?
How can we make it roll further?
What would happen if you made the ramp higher?
What would happen if you made the ramp lower?
What would happen if you made the ramp longer
STEM - Easter Basket
Poor Easter Bunny doesn't have a basket to carry all his eggs.
Can you help by making him one?
Easter Bunny Basket
PE: Week 1
Spring is really buzzing and eggs are everywhere in Egg stravaganza! First, eggs hatch into all sorts of creatures - insects, frogs, ducks and dinosaurs, with opportunities for lots of animal movements.
Whose egg is this?
PE: Week 2
For the final part of Egg stravaganza! we go on an Easter egg hunt in the park: we pass a ball across a football-pitch; balance and spin on the playground equipment; clamber over climbing-frames and squelch through mud in a search for four chocolate Easter eggs. On finding the fourth egg, groups of four form a line to sit down, one at a time.