Action Research
Following the baseline data, the literacy team took some time to discuss how current provision could be improved. Staff had received training from the headteacher about the North Gower Partnership LUA and engaged in planning as a team to provide pupils with opportunities to practise what they have learnt. It is important to note that the following changes were made to the independent reading time tasks and not as a replacement for directed teaching.
The LUA approach uses Bloom's Taxonomy and promotes learning as a consecutive process.
In addition to this, pupil responses in the questionnaire and PEST evaluation showed that pupils would like more time to read and would like to use adobe spark to create online reading journals. Using the North Gower Partnership LUA approach (see below) and pupil responses, literacy leaders created LUA reading cards which can adapted as needed. Staff selected high quality, differentiated texts to ensure all pupils could access the provision. This meant, that pupils were give opportunities to learn, understand and apply their reading skills and making them more active by encouraging pupils to:
- talk, write and listen
- ask questions
- continually reflect
- collaborate
- connect ideas
- apply skills in a range of context
- engage in daily reading activities
- enjoy reading
Pupil Work Example
Additional Changes and Potential Contributing Factors
- Additional directed teaching time spent on the 8 reading behaviours
- Less time on electronic devices e.g. wet play
- Introduction of 'Capten Darllen' where older pupils work with younger pupils to listen to them to read
- Whole school reading events to raise the profile of reading e.g., Pie Corbett Day, LlanRead2Relax Day