Message from Chair of Governors Autumn 2023
Llanrhidian’s Annual Report gives you key info about our last year as a school. It updates you about our school community, the work of our fantastic staff and the experiences of children.
As you’ll see, it’s been a busy and exciting year. As part of supporting Llanrhidian children to be happy, healthy and learning, our school opened the doors to our whole community. Families took part whole-heartedly in the traditional calendar of events, and our wonderful children and staff launched Caffi Cynefin, which gives everyone in our part of Gower a place to be warm, welcome and part of our community.
Importantly, Caffi Cynefin is one of the examples of how our school gives children authentic and meaningful ways to learn, socialise and develop their skills. It’s one of many examples of the ways Llanrhidian is developing the new Curriculum for Wales.
In our Annual Report, you’ll see information about how Llanrhidian’s curriculum is supporting children across all the areas of learning and experience. You’ll also see information about how Llanrhidian is taking forward new approaches to supporting children with Additional Learning Needs, in line with the new Additional Learning Needs legislation in Wales.
A huge thank you on behalf of the Governing Body to the whole community of Llanrhidian Primary: to the Head teacher and staff; the children; and the families and community members that support our children to ‘be the best they can be’.
Jane Houston
Chair of Governors