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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Autumn 5 Podlet Coch

Looking forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 25th November!


This week for your numeracy challenge, please can you complete any outstanding My Maths. 

Remember Mr Dowsett has chilli challenged the challenges.

Click on the image below to go to your My Maths. 


Below I have uploaded the usual challenges we do on a Friday. 

1. The chilli challenges.

In class we usually put a timer on for 30 minutes. If you want to do this at home you can. 


2. TTRS challenge. 

In class we usually put a timer on for 5 minutes. 

If you can't remember what TTRS challenge or chilli challenge you are on please email me. 

Let me know how you get on. 

Click on the image below to work alongside Miss Colwill.

Click on the image below to see Miss Colwill helping Mrs Rees with the inverse method. 

Miss Colwill has set Podlet Coch a DIN.


Below is the chilli challenges for division. We started to look at these in school last week. There is also a WAGOLL to help you with your layout and presentation. 

Reasoning Christmas Shopping With Miss Colwill

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Click on the pdf below for today's Christmas themed reasoning chilli challenge.

Let see our brilliant work so far!


What makes a good advert?

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Challenge Reading



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Expressive Arts

First Minister Mark Drakeford is asking budding young artists to enter this year’s Christmas card competition. The winning design will be chosen by the First Minister and used as his official Christmas card.


The First Minister’s sends his Christmas card to thousands of people around the world, including to the Queen and to the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.


Below is a pdf for the Christmas card success criteria. Minister Mark Drakeford has asked for specific things.


Also Mrs Rees has put some ideas together for you.



Groovy Greeks

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Click on the video below to go to the top tips for performing from Mr Dowsett and Miss Colwill.


Performance Top Tips

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Click on the image below to access your scripts.

Below are the lyrics to our Christmas show songs. Please familiarise yourself with these ready for when we return to school.

Big Question

Big Question

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Can you help Miss Colwilll?

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If you click on the image below, this will take you to the Flipgrid area. Here, you can record your responses to some of the work set this week.

Contact with Miss Colwill

If you need to get in contact with Miss Colwill about the home learning on the Pod Flip Page, then please fill in the form below. Diolch, Miss Colwill

Watch the video below to follow the steps on how to share your work with the pod teachers.

How to share work through Hwb.

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