Big Question:
Let us know what your opinion is once you have listened to the information presented by Mrs Joseph in the video below.
Diolch yn fawr.
Can YOU create some outdoor activities for the class? Pupil voice

Previous Big Question -5.3.21
What are you grateful for?

Is your cup half full or half empty?
What are you grateful for?
What is your family grateful for?
Who is the most optimistic person that you know?
Optimism is the way you see and think about what is happening around you and to you. It is looking for the good in each situation. It is expecting things to go well. It is thinking good thoughts even when things are going bad. It is having hope and faith. It is believing that you can make things better.
What are you grateful for?
What is your family grateful for?
Who is the most optimistic person that you know?
Optimism is the way you see and think about what is happening around you and to you. It is looking for the good in each situation. It is expecting things to go well. It is thinking good thoughts even when things are going bad. It is having hope and faith. It is believing that you can make things better.