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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Bonjour Pengwins!

 This week we will be learning about what it takes to be an Olympic superstar!

L.O. To actively participate in school-based activities to care for the environment. #LlanHum

Miss Blackmore loves planting and looking after our school grounds. She would like to create our very own Olympic flower garden to represent all the different places that participate in the Olympic games. 


L.O. To use some evidence of connectives to expand their ideas. #LlanLit

Miss Walters has always wonderd how hard Olympians work to become really good at their sport. What are you really good at? Why are you good at it? 


LO: To introduce the concept of a half through play activities. #LlanNum

LO to identify halves and quarters of shaded objects and in practical situations. 

Can you make a healthy snack for Mrs Marchant so that she can begin her journey to become a fellow Olympian?


Meet the Youngest Member of Team GB's Artistic Swimming Squad 🏊‍♀️ | Newsround

Meet Great Britain's Junior Gymnastics star Scarlett | Newsround

L.O. To explore and experiment with a variety of creative techniques, materials, processes, resources, tools and technologies within art. #LlanExp

Mrs Rees has been recreating her favourite artwork by Matisse...however, I didn't all go to plan and the portrait has ended up rather abstract. Mrs Rees needs some help creating your own version of a Matisse masterpiece.​

L.O. To begin to represent and interpret data, using a range of methods.

Madame Rees loves to visit La Boulangerie when she takes a trip to Paris. She is visiting next month and would like to bring us all back a treat. She can only bring one item. How can we find out our favourite French savoury treat? How would you record this?​



LO: I can find the length of an  object using non-standard measure.#LlanNum

Greg Rutherford is a champion long jumper who has size 10 feet. How many of Greg Rutherford's feet can you jump?

Juan Miguel EchevarrĂ­a Jumps 8.83 To Win Men's Long Jump - IAAF Diamond League Stockholm 2018
