The Ladybird by Mrs Marchant
1.What is an adjective?
Can you use an adjective to describe this creature?
Can you use two adjectives?
How can you extend your sentence?
What is a connective?
Morgrug yn Llanrhidian
This week we will be looking at ants in Llanrhidian. We will be finding out where they live and what they do.
2.Ant Addition
The ants are moving their colony to a new hill. You have to add up the 2 sets of ants and see how many there are all together.
3.Minibeasts are everywhere! What minibeast has Miss Thomas found in the wild area?
Beth sydd yn y bocs?
Can you create your own minibeast from nature?
4.Choice and Challenge.
What are our choices this week?
Choice & Challenge.
5. Slot Drilio.