This Weeks Timetable
What will Mrs Caswell's assembly be about this week?
Click on Mr Colourful to find out.
Try to complete one or two challenges each week.
You are doing a great job with reading eggs. Da Iawn!
Sound of the Week
Big Welsh Rhyme Time
We’re really excited to be taking part in this year’s Big Welsh Rhyme Time which has been designed so that children and families can join in at home.
There are some fantastic rhymes and songs by artists from Wales which we’ll be sharing throughout the week.
Chinese New Year
Hook: This week we’re going to be learning about a celebration called ‘Chinese New Year’.
Authenticity- Why are we learning about the Chinese New Year.
The Big Race.
Mrs Marchant has a strange dream!
I know a story about a race!

All about the race

Why does Chinese New Year have animals?
Watch the short video below to find out.
Zodiac Story

Knowledge: What Zodiac animal are you?
Watch the video below to find out what animals your teachers are and why they are happy to be those animals. Can you find out what animal you are?
I was born in the year of the ...........

Application- what do you need to do ?
1.Literacy- Can you tell us what year you were born in? What do you like about being that animal? You could draw a picture, get your mums and dads to help you write about the animal or you can make a short video telling us about the animal and why you like it.
How to make an ox lantern.

Vegetable Spring rolls

Follow the link below to play an online Chinese New Year sequencing game.
I Spy!
Look carefully at the image below, what can you spy? How many lanterns can you find? How many red envelopes are there?
I Spy!
Welly Wednesday
Children's Mental Health Week
What Makes You Happy?

PE: Getting ready for Chinese New Year
Movement focus: Stretching; travelling around the room jogging and skipping; working at different heights; spinning and turning; angular shapes; linking movements. (20mins)
Follow the instructions in the audio below.
We would Love to see some pictures or videos of you getting ready for Chinese New Year with your family.