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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Curriculum for Wales Grant

Curriculum for Wales Grant 


The funding allocated is from the Regional Consortia Grant and is linked to Curriculum and Assessment objective and is based on the appropriate formula for this grant line: PLASC figures.




Terms and Conditions

Activity funded through this element of the grant must be directed towards taking forward the shared expectations and ways of working set out in journey to curriculum rollout and with regard to the jointly agreed policy vision and roles and responsibilities set out in Curriculum for Wales: Implementation Plan. The process to curriculum realisation in schools involves a range of activities, including:

  • identifying the unique factors of the school  and how these contribute to the four purposes
  • reviewing the vision, values and behaviours to support curriculum realisation
  • understanding of curriculum design considerations including mandatory elements and school linguistic policy
  • review curriculum design models and investigate the suitability for their specific school
  • considering the role of progression, assessment and pedagogy in their local curriculum and context
  • designing, planning and trialling their proposed curriculum model, evaluating initial designs and developing medium term plans as they work through initial implementation and into an ongoing process of review and refinement



Clusters are able to develop cluster priorities for some/all lines, if appropriate and work with designated Partneriaeth and LA officers to support priorities.



A brief evaluation is needed for each priority although schools/clusters may wish to develop case-studies, playlists etc. to evidence the work and include a link to these as part of the evaluation.


The grant funding form should be completed by the school/cluster in conjunction with the Challenge Adviser/School Improvement Partner


Spend Plan 

Priority Activities Cost  
Develop progression across all A0LEs as a North Gower Partnership
  • Joint cluster working to develop a shared cluster understanding of 3-16 progression
  • AoLE leads to develop mapping of progression supported by Partneriaeth officer
  • Sharing of emerging practice across the cluster and, where appropriate, the region


