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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Curriculum Policies

The following curriculum policies are updated regularly.  Please contact the school office if you require a hard copy using the submission form below.  Please state clearly which policy you require.

Under Review

Awaiting Governor Endorsement

Curriculum Policy LinkDate Endorsed By Governing BodyNext Updated/ReviewedReview Cycle (Years)
Curriculum for Learning Policy Spring 2022Summer 2024
Calculation PolicySummer 2024Summer 2027
Continuity of Learning Policy Autumn 2020On going1
Additional Learning Needs PolicySpring 2023Summer 20252
Assessing Learning Policy Autumn 2023Autumn 20241
Assessment for learning Continuum Summer 2022Summer 20233
Feedback for Learning PolicySpring 2022Spring 20231
Long Term Planning Autumn 2023Autumn 20263
Positive Relationships PolicySummer 2024Summer 20251
Bilingualism PolicyAutumn 2019Autumn 20223
Charging PolicyAutumn 2018Autumn 20213
Collective Worship Policy Autumn 2018Under Review3
Community Links PolicyAutumn 2018Autumn 20213
Cwricwlwm Cymreig Policy Autumn 2018Under Review3
Food and Fitness Policy Spring 2021Spring 20243
Educational Trips PolicyAutumn 2018Autumn 20213
Pets in School PolicyAutumn 2018Autumn 20213
AoLE Leader PolicySummer 2021Spring 20243
Session Times Policy Autumn 2020Autumn 20211
SEN Policy Summer 2023Summer 20252
Transition Plan Spring 2022Spring 20231
Relationship & Sexuality Education Autumn 2022Autumn 20231
North Gower Partnership Transition PlanAutumn 2022Autumn 20231


Our Open Door Policy

We wish to continue to promote a climate of mutual respect and trust at Llanrhidian and outline below our ‘Open Door Policy’ which facilitates our efforts to ‘work in partnership’ with parents.


  • Informal Conversations  - Staff are on duty every morning from 8.45 to 8.55.  You will be able to have any informal chats, or ask questions during this time.  Staff are usually available at the end of the day, however, may not be able to speak to you until all pupils are safely dismissed.
  • Information  - Although the school endeavours to communicate regularly with all parents and carers, should there be any questions or comments the school can be reached through phoning the office or by email.
  • Formal Conversations – Should there be a need for a one to one with any member of staff, please ask for an appointment.  Staff will always aim to meet with you at the earliest convenience.  Depending on the stated purpose of the meeting one or both parties may wish to request that a ‘third party’ be present in order to make notes of the discussion.  Should either party feel at any time that the discussion is unproductive or that behaviour is disrespectful or unacceptable, they will have the right to terminate the discussion. The matter will then be referred to the Headteacher for further resolution.
  • Complaints - Any complaints made to the Governing Body which have not taken the proper course for resolution will be directed back to the Headteacher.  The school’s complaints policy is available here or from the office
  • Pupil behaviour - We appreciate that parents seek to give the benefit of the doubt to their own child and it is possible that they are unable to see both sides of the situation. The school wishes to reassure parents that the school always endeavours to use the ‘no blame approach’ when enquiring into an incident using restorative approaches and will endeavour to remain impartial.  Please refer to our Positive Relationships Policy


We wish to thank parents for their support and for their efforts to work in partnership with our staff.

Curriculum Policies

Please contact the school office if you require a hard copy of a policy using this submission form. Please state clearly which policy you require.
