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Llanrhidian Primary School

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Down in the Rainforest

Sports Day

Down in the Rainforest

Off the Pengwins go to the warm rainforest. I wonder what we will see on the way? What wonderful creatures are out there?



What can you hear in the rainforest?

Rainforest sounds

The incredibly lush soundscapes of the Congo, Amazon, Borneo and Ethiopian rainforests, full of animal, insect and frog calls. Check out my channel for longer recordings. #rainforest #soundscape #naturesounds

Rainforest Animals 🐅🌴 -

Facts for kids! Which animals live in the rainforest? Is the tapir a mix of wild boar and anteater? And what kind of animal actually is the okapi? You'll find out in our knowledge video! We offer a full transcript of this video on

Our Learning

Amazon Rainforest, South America - Go Jetters Series 1 - Go Jetters

##LlanLit - What is that creature?

Did you know that Bongo's are native to the rainforest? Can you find out some information and tell us about them?

#LlanNum  Mrs Walters would like to find out which creature has the biggest feet in the rainforest? Is it an Elephant?, Is it a cheetah? Is it a human? I wonder how we could measure the size of these creatures feet.



There's a Rang Tan in my bedroom

#LlanHum How would you feel if you had lost your home? How could you help the Orangutang? 

Do we need to raise awareness of what is happening in the rainforest? Who can we she our concerns with?

#LlanNum Miss Walters has been asked to feed some animals from the rainforest. She has to weigh out the food to make sure it is enough. Can you weigh the bags of food and tell us how much each bag weighs?
