Dyma Fi
Over the next two weeks we will be creating our one page profiles. We will be asking and answering questions about ourselves.
Week Beginning 18th September
LO: To Communicate what or who is special to them. #LlanH&WB
1.What do people like and admire about me?
2. What is important to me?
3. How best to support me?
Scan Me!
LO: To begin to use creative materials as shown, accepting guidance as they are using resources. #LlanExp
Using the natural resources you find and collect around the school grounds, create a self portrait. Use the mirrors to check where to place your features.
LO: To communicate basic expectations with their friends/family. #LlanH&WB
Mrs Gosney know that all the children in Pod Pili-Pala are kind, can you tell her all the things that your do that are kind so they can be displayed on out Pod Siater.
Lo: To play along to music of a range of styles using a variety of instruments, with support. #LlanExp #LlanCym
Mrs Gosney's favourite song is Lliwiau'r Enfys, can you use the percussion instruments to play along to the song.