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Llanrhidian Primary School

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Mr Dowsett & Mrs Archard: Insert a Comma

Independent: Spell Blast & Save Data

Independent: Reading Eggs

Independent: Re-draft Evacuee

Mr Lisk: Reading Records


L.O: I can begin to use commas to mark clauses and phrases, e.g., after a fronted adverbial ‘Later that morning, we visited the castle’.

L.O: I can use a range of punctuation accurately to clarify and expand meaning.



What is a comma used for?

Beth wyt ti'n meddwl?



  • Identify, correct and explain the comma error in the following sentence:
  • The dog ran quickly through the park, chasing, after the frisbee.


  • Explain the difference in meaning between the use of commas in these sentences:
  • "The chef cooked pasta, chicken, and vegetables."
  • "The chef cooked pasta, chicken and vegetables."