Here are some suggested activities for week beginning 29th June. Parents, please feel free to email me and let me know how your children are getting on with their learning. Please also email me if you have any questions.
This Week will be continuing to learn all about Super Pets.
This week school has re-opened therefore we have changed some of our home learning activities to "Expected Activities" and some will remain "Suggested Activities". Please spend some time each day completing the "Expected Activities" and in addition, choose the "Suggested Activities" which you and your child will enjoy the most.
Expected Activities
Mrs Gosney and Digit Dog go on an adventure. Can you take part in Digit Dog's taller or shorter challenge? Watch the video to find out more.Digit Dog 🐶

Please spend some time on Reading Eggs every day.
We will also be using this when the children come into school.
Suggested Activities
Big Question
‘A Man’s Best Friend’ is a common phrase about
domestic dogs.
Why do you think they call dogs ‘A Man’s Best Friend’?
Talk to your family about your opinions and
ask them the same question.
Superworm A Story with Mrs Gosney

Expressive Arts
Mrs Blackmore shows us how to create a pet picture using collage
Collage Art

Health and Wellbeing - Animal Boogie with Mrs Parry
Join Mrs Parry for a boogie! Follow the link.
Welly Wednesday – Garden Bird Watch
It was a little tricky last week trying to spot the birds high up in the trees. I needed a pair of binoculars to help me see the birds in my garden easier. Why not have a go at making your own pair!
Cân Wyddor yr Anifeiliaid - Cyw's Animal Alphabet.mp4

RWI - Set one Sounds
m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x
sh th ch qu ng nk ck
You might like to do 2 or 3 sounds a week
- Play I spy around you home and garden. Can you spot things that start with the sound?
- Practice writing the sounds with a paintbrush and water on your patio/path.
Join in with the RWI phonics lesson each morning
RWI are streaming three, short Speed Sounds lessons for children to watch at home every weekday on their YouTube channel. Each lesson is ten minutes long and available for 24 hours.
Click here for the YouTube Speed Sounds lessons schedule.
Subscribe to the RWI YouTube page for live lessons.
When teaching your child to say the sounds, its important to say the pure sounds. This means we say mmmmm not muh and lllll not luh. (A slight uh cannot be helped when saying the sounds b d g j w y). How to say the sounds follow this link.
Keep having Fun!!
Don't forget to send me photos of your children completing their home learning I would love to post them on our Twitter page.
Diolch yn fawr
Stay Safe
Mrs Gosney