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Links to Children's Rights
The Humanities AoLE enables children to realise their rights to participation, freedom of expression and information (Articles 12, 13 and 17). Importantly it also supports children to know and understand their rights under the UNCRC (Article 42) and to develop an understanding of the human rights of others.
In Llanrhidian the Humanities Area of Learning and Experience seeks to awaken a sense of wonder, fire the imagination and inspire learners to grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
This Area encourages learners to engage with the most important issues facing humanity, including sustainability and social change, and help to develop the skills necessary to interpret and articulate the past and the present.
The Area encompasses geography; history; religion, values and ethics; business studies and social studies. These disciplines share many common themes, concepts and transferable skills, while having their own discrete body of knowledge and skills.
What Matters in Humanities
Enquiry, exploration and investigation inspire curiosity about the world, its past, present and future.
Events and human experiences are complex, and are perceived, interpreted and represented in different ways.
Our natural world is diverse and dynamic, influenced by processes and human actions.
Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs.
Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered and ethical action.
Progression in Humanities
- Increasing breadth and depth of knowledge
- Deepening understanding of the ideas and disciplines within areas of learning and experience
- Refinement and growing sophistication in the use and application of skills
- Making connections and transferring learning into new contexts
- Increasing effectiveness as a learner
Humanities in Llanrhidian Primary School
Learners will be taught new skills, have support to practice and then be given opportunities to independently apply their knowledge skills and understanding through a range of contexts.
The subjects within this Area share many common themes, concepts and transferable skills, while also having their own discrete body of knowledge and skills. The content, concepts and skills outlined in this Area are interconnected. The disciplines in this Area provide a variety of lenses through which to view the human experience. The statements of what matters encourage a holistic approach to learning.
Planning for History in Llanrhidian
- develop an understanding of the discipline and its value
- develop understanding of, and respect for, the notion of truth and for people in the past
- develop an appreciation of the past on different scales, which allows learners to orientate themselves in time
- develop historical interpretation understanding and source-based skills
- develop rich content across the time periods, through which learners can develop an understanding of chronology through exploring cause and effect, change and continuity, similarity and difference, interpretations, the use of evidence and historical significance
- develop a rich context for exploring the concepts of governance, economy, power, leadership, diversity; culture, ethnicity, equality and inequality, justice, rights, conquest, social, political and economic ideologies, social organisation and structures, trade, agriculture and industry, power and protest, peace, conflict and cooperation, revolution, devolution and empire
- expose learners of all ages to a range of historical periods on a local, national and global scale, making the links and connections that support the development of a detailed chronological ‘map’ of the past.
Planning for Geography in Llanrhidian
- develop an understanding of the discipline and its value
- provide rich content for exploring physical and human landscapes, and a context for the causes and consequences of physical and human inter-relationships and interdependence which characterise our modern world
- provide a rich context for exploring the issues of sustainability, climate change, energy choices, nature, natural hazards and disasters and hazard risks, pollution, scarcity of natural resources, food security, population, identity, ethnicity, migration, settlements, globalisation, consumerism and trade, initiatives to tackle poverty, inequality and injustice, contrasts between countries at different levels of development
- equip learners with the skills to question, use and analyse maps, images, and Geographical Information Systems
- equip learners with the skills to formulate research questions, and to collect, manipulate and present data so they can evaluative and think critically about problems and issues.
Planning for Religion, Values and Ethics in Llanrhidian
- develop an understanding of the discipline and its value
- provide rich contexts for learners to be curious, to explore ultimate questions, and to search for an understanding of the human condition, as well as providing opportunities for learners to reflect, and to experience awe and wonder, in a range of meaningful real-world contexts
- develop rich contexts for enquiry into the concepts of religion, worldviews, secularity, spirituality, life stance, identity and culture to develop learners’ well-rounded understanding of religious and non-religious worldviews
- provide rich contexts for engaging with concepts of belief, faith, truth, purpose, meaning, knowledge, sources of authority, self, origin, life, death and Ultimate Reality which enables learners to develop an understanding of personal and institutional worldviews about the nature of life and the world around them
- develop rich contexts for exploring the concepts of identity, belonging, relationships, community, cynefin, diversity, pluralism and interconnectedness which can enable learners to gain a sense of self and develop spirituality
- explore the concepts of equality, sustainability, tolerance, freedom, prejudice, discrimination, extremism, good and evil which can give learners an insight into the challenges and opportunities that face societies
- reflect the concepts and contexts of religiosity, practice, ritual, tradition, worship, sacredness, symbolism and celebration to develop learners’ understanding of lived religion and belief
- provide rich contexts for exploring the concepts of ethics, morality, justice, responsibilities, authority, humanity, rights, values and social action
- develop an understanding of lived religion and belief through the exploration of the key concepts.
Planning for Social Studies in Llanrhidian
- develop an understanding of the discipline and its value
- encourage conceptual understanding of the world by learning about people and their values, in different times, places and circumstances
- provide rich contexts to explore social issues, identity, rights and responsibilities, and social organisation
- encourage active participation and engagement with social issues through social enquiry, discussions and social action
- develop an understanding of how systems of government in Wales operate and affect people’s lives, and how they compare with other systems
- explore the concepts of governance, rights, equality, inequality, ethnicity, gender and poverty.
Planning for Business Studies in Llanrhidian
- develop an understanding of the discipline and its value
- expose learners to the economic reality that shapes the Welsh and global economies, enabling them to appreciate that this reality is constantly changing and to appreciate the impact it has on people’s lives and the environment
- examine the strengths and areas for improvement, successes and failures of businesses and economies, while developing an understanding of the factors that shape the prosperity of communities and thereby people’s prospects for the future
- explore the current Welsh economy, including consumption, production, the welfare of people at work, the impact of innovation and technology on businesses and the environment, and the effects of demographic change to the workforce.
What Does Humanities look like In Llanrhidian?
Embedded provision to develop the appropriate skills knowledge and experiences for Humanties includes: -
- Exposure to artefacts
- Visits to museums
- Locality field trips
- Ecological projects
- Planting up and caring for school grounds
- Opportunities to read and use maps, atlases and globes
- Exposure to music, art and writing from different cultures and time
- Visitors from different cultures, religions or time
- Media footage of global events
- Scrutiny of authentic written evidence and articles
- Using the SDG’s to enhance understanding of the wider world and closer community
In Llanrhidian we ensure that all pupils gain knowledge and learn through a range of contemporary and historical contexts, investigation and exploration of the human experience in their own localities and elsewhere in Wales, as well as in the wider world, can help learners discover their heritage and develop a sense of place and cynefin. This will help promote an understanding of how us, the people of Wales, its communities, history, culture, landscape, resources and industries, interrelate with the rest of the world. .