The name of the school is: Llanrhidian Primary School
The school is a community school.
The language which is used as the medium of instruction and the normal business of the school is: English
The name of the governing body is: .Llanrhidian Primary School Governing Body
The governing body shall consist of:
- 4 parent governors;
- 3 LA governors;
- 1 teacher governors;
- 1 staff governor;
- 3 community governors;
- 1 additional Community Governor to be appointed by the minor authority (Community Council) or from one or more of the minor authority areas in which the school is situated.
- The headteacher (except at any time when he/she has given written notice to the clerk to the governing body of the school that he chooses not to be a governor)
Total number of governors 14 (except at any time when the headteacher has given notice as above that he/she chooses not to be a governor, when the total number of governors will be 13)
Subject to regulations 33-37 of the Government of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2005, this instrument of government comes into effect on the date of making.
This instrument was reviewed by the Governing Body on 11.12.24