I wonder, how can we respect our past, present and future?
Beth wyt ti'n meddwl?
Which 'Integral Skills' will we be zooming in on this week?
1. Who were first people on Gower?
Click the image below to start your research!
Cofia! Helen also talked about this during our launch week!
2. Ble wyt ti’n byw?
Dw i'n byw yn ________.
Rhwng - Between
Dw i'n hoffi byw yn ______ achos mae'n________.
Dw i'n byw mewn...
Dw i'n byw gyda...
fy teulu - my family
fy rhieni - my parents
fy mam - my mum
fi tad - my dad
fy brawd - my brother
fy chwaer - my sister
fy llys tad - my step dad
fy llysfam - my step mum
o'r enw - called
Oes anifail anwes gyda ti?
Oes, mae _________ gyda fi.
Nag oes, does dim anifail anwes gyda fi.
5. Create a 'Welcome' for Llanrhidian Primary School
Look at the image below, what ideas does this give you for your Llanrhidian Welcome? Mrs Caswell will be selecting which we will use for our visitors!
Now look at the WAGOLL's from Australia... use these to write a welcome for our school.
Success Criteria!
No more than a paragraph
Represent past, present and future
Talk about people and our World
Aim to show respect and to welcome
Does it have to rhyme?
Up to you!!
For thousands and thousands of years the First Nations people of Australia have lived, worked, played and connected deeply with this land on which we come together today. They also connect with each other through storytelling and song. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet and sing today and pay our deepest respects to elders past, present and emerging.
The children and staff from Woollahra and Rainbow St Public Schools