I wonder, how successful has Caffi Cynefin and the Llanrhidian World of Work been so far?
1. What are the benefits to primary school pupils taking part in Llanrhidian’s World of Work and Caffi Cynefin?
Click the picture below to read more about it!
2. What advice would you give to the pupils starting Pod Pry Cop in September about Caffi Cynefin?
3. Create a graph to show the Caffi Cynefin expenditure and profit for each term.
Overall, have we made a profit or a loss?
Green - Show the profit for each term
Red - Show the profit and expenditure for each term
There is a variety of graph paper to help you in the class, have a look at which one you need to help you!
HOT - Create a graph by hand and on excel! Share the document with archards6@hwbcymru.net so it can be printed.
5. Beth wyt ti’n hoffi bwyta yn y caffi? Beth wyt ti’n ddim yn hoffi bwyta? Pam?
Yn bersonal... Personally
Achos mae'n... Because it's
Yn y Caffi... In the Caffi
Sentence Starters:
Dw i ddim yn hoffi bwyta... I don't like to eat...
Dw i'n hoffi bwyta... I like to eat...
Bwyd a diod:
Llaeth... milk
siocled poeth... hot chocolate
coffi... coffee
te... tea
dwr... water
pop... pop
tiesen... cake
rholyn selsig... sausage roll
toesen... doughnut
Flasus iawn... Very tasty
Da i fi... Good for me
Ych a fi... Disgusting
Ddrwg i fi... Bad for me
4. What impact has Caffi Cynefin had on you, on the school and on the wider community? Also consider the 4p’s and SDG’s.
Sentence Starters to help:
Caffi Cynefin has been good for me because... I have shown that I can... I have done this by...
Caffi Cynefin has been good for the school because...
Caffi Cynefin has been good for the wider community because...
HINT! You could also read the feedback forms from the Caffi and quote some of the feedback!