I wonder, what is St David's Day?
Beth wyt ti'n meddwl?
1. Explain why we have St. David's Day. (Click the daffodil for more information).
Who is Saint David and when was he born and when did he die?
Who is Saint David, and can you tell me three facts about him?
Who is Saint David, can you tell me three facts about him and how he is celebrated?
2. Design a flag representing Wales and our local area.
3. What is the national symbol for Wales (Click the dragon for more information)
What is the national symbol for Wales, when are where do they bloom?
What is the national symbol for Wales and why did it become this?
What is the national symbol for Wales and why and what was the national symbol for Wales before and why?
4. You are cooking lunch for your family; create a timetable to help you.
Create a timetable for what time each food needs to be cooked if dinner starts at 1:00pm.
Create a timetable for when everything needs to be cooked if dinner starts at 1:00pm.
Create a timetable for when everything needs to be cooked if dinner starts at 1:00pm. Then, calculate how much of each ingredient you will need.
You have 10 people coming to your meal.
5. Disgrifiwch y ferch.
Using your Welsh skills, describe what the Welsh lady looks like.
Describe three things the girl is wearing.
Describe four things about the girl.
Write a mini paragraph about the girl. (At least 5 facts).