Our topic this term is 'Make do and Mend'
What do you think that means?
Have you ever heard the saying before?
#LlanSci TO Demonstrate an understanding that plants grow from seeds
Miss Blackmore wants us all to use our natural resources. At Llanrhidian we have large school grounds. Can we plan and create our own vgetable patches in the orchard?
#LlanExp To use a range of familiar art materials,tools and processes to explore different textures,colours,sizes and dimensions, e.g.using different sizes and shapes of paper/boxes to create different effects and outcomes.
Mrs Rees needs you!! Mrs Rees loves to make clothes, dolls & other objects out of used materials. She is a super-duper recycler. What can you make from her tuff tray of scraps?
#LlanH&Wb To contribute appropriately to simple conversations.
Now we have launched our new topic is time for YOU to decide what YOU would like to learn about this term.
#LlanLit -To ask simple questions to find out why something happened.
Can we activate our prior knolwedge about our new topic? What would you like to leran about this term?
What do you already know?
WB 15.01.2024
#LlanLit To begin to create imaginative responses to literature.
Miss Walters loves stories, especially a fairy tale. However, she cannot find a fairy tale about Make do and Mend! Your job is to create your own story about making and mending but first you need to design and describe your character.
ACE Skills - Can you apply you describing skills and describe your story's setting.
#LlanNum To explore, compare, and use the general language of shapes through investigative play.
Mrs Marchant would love to ride in a tank but does not have the proper materials to build one. We have lots of different shaped boxes in Pengwin land. Do you think you could make her a model tank? Could you describe the shapes that you used to craete your model?