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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Meetings 2022-2023

Croeso to our Digital Leader's Page


Our aims for the year

1. Improve computational thinking throughout the whole school.

2. Make coding skills better.

3. Enter Technocamps robotics competition.

Autumn Term 

What is going well?

1. We are enjoying our brand new 20 chromebooks that we got for Pod Pry Cop.

2. We are enjoying the music that we have during relax & refuel, beginning of the day and at the end of the day.

3. We know from the SDP our school target is Data and Computational thinking.


What we need to improve?

1. We need to make sure we are playing music during relax and refuel and that we use our timetable.

2. We need to label the chromebooks so we know which is which.

3. We need to prepare for a Coding Club ready for Indoor Clwb Hwyl.

4. We need to make a radio playlist with Welsh phrases in it.

Spring Term 

Summer Term (Evaluation)

We evaluated our aims:

Aim 1-  Improve computational thinking throughout the whole school.

We have 20 new ipads in the school that we use to help us with coding. We went to Technocamps and they helped us understand Scratch and do some coding. We also analyse data from Caffi Cynefin and this helps us with our computational thinking.


Aim 2 - Make coding skills better.

Mr G did lessons in Pysgodyna and Pengwin with BBC:Microbits and Codapillar to help with coding. Mrs Gosney bought and uses Bbot to help with coding.


AIm 3 -  Enter Technocamps robotics competition

We borrowed a LEgo Spike Kit and we used it to carry out and learn to code a robot. We used it to enetr the Technocamps competition, we came second in South Wales.




From the SDP 


Planning across the school has been restructured to ensure all teachers focus on the next steps needed to facilitate progress in computation thinking. All teaching staff attended valuable and comprehensive training with the “Leader of Learning for Digital Competence”, which resulted in the successful teaching and learning of computation thinking across all pods. This was evident in learning walks and through pupil voice meetings. The DCF lead has developed strong links with outside agencies, with most pupils having had access to worthwhile resources and teaching from DCF professionals. For example, Pod Pry Cop visited Techno camps and received in school tuition from programmers. This provided extensive training for pupils and staff.


The Digital leader has utilised Welsh Government funding to purposefully acquire appropriate digital devices to enhance the learning across all pods. However, all teachers are mindful of the negative effects the screen time can have upon other aspects of learning eg collaboration, social interaction and wellbeing. As a result, the school skilfully timetables digital resources to support pupils’ digital skills and nearly all pupils are making at least expected progress.
