What the Dickens!

1. Can you use your enquiring minds?
Pengwins the teachers have had some unusual gifts from Sion Corn. What do you think they are? What do you think they are for? Can you activate your prior knowledge and give your valued opinions?
2. What is your favourite toy?
Toys are very important in our lives. Do you have a favourite toy? Could you describe it? Can you tell us why it is important using the word ‘because’?
3. The Nutcracker story.
Click on the nutcracker below to listen to the story of Clara's magical adventure.
4. Adding 1 and 2
Can you add 1 or 2 to these numbers? Can you challenge yourself by adding 1,2 or even 10 to these chilli challenges?
5. Spending Money
Miss Poole has some items that she wants to buy from the siop tegannau. Can you help her by seeing how much they cost?
Click on the image below to play a money game.
6. Repeating Pattern
We have to help the elves in the toy shop get ready for Christmas by making some wrapping paper. Can you create some wrapping paper with a repeating pattern?
7. Doll Timeline
Can you sort the dolls in order and look at some interesting facts about dolls over the years.
8.Squiggle while you wiggle.
What are our letters of the week? What music shall we squiggle to this week?
Blwyddyn 1.
Dosbarth Derbyn.
9. Amser Stori
Tedi Twt is going to the siop.
What does he want to buy?
Beth wyt ti eisisau? - What do you want?
Ga i .......... - Can I have ......?