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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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We have had an amazing first week back! Our launch day was a huge success on Tuesday. As soon as the children stepped into school they were engaged in a whirlwind of inspirational activities with Christmas soon becoming a distant memory for us all!


As you will now know our new topic is called “What Lies Beneath?” and if you have had a look at Twitter you will see that this could take each pod in a completely different direction! Our launch day activities introduced the children to exploring what lies beneath our bodies, the ground, the water and computers. We were fortunate to have highly skilled specialists to run some of these activities which ranged from cave studies to heart dissection! If you feel you have any specialism in any of these areas, and a little bit of time to spare, please let us know! Once the children have finished planning their topic with the staff you will receive a topic planner.


Our new website will be re-launched in the next few days. This will then be your one stop shop for all things school related. All newsletters will be published through the website, the calendar will be regularly updated with school events and important dates, and the pod pages will be full of useful information and age appropriate links. We will send out an email with a link to the new website as soon as it becomes live.
