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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Message from the Head Teacher

I am sure you have now heard the news that from 6pm Sunday evening, Swansea will have to adhere to restrictions of lockdown.  This exerts further pressures on every family, so I urge you to continue to support each other during these difficult times. 


Our wonderful staff are working incredibly hard to ensure our school is as safe as possible, and are striving to keep learning going whatever the situation that we may be faced with.  


Please understand that education is a multi-agency approach, and should we have a positive case in the school, we will be working with the appropriate agencies to take the right action.  As always we will communicate  with you as swiftly as possible.   


Your continued support has never been more appreciated as we are all doing our very best.  Please help us to keep our staff and pupils safe by sticking to the guidance out of school hours.  Keep safe. 


Mrs C 
