Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a very quiet week (in terms of covid) so we are feeling very positive. The days are definitely getting longer and the hundred daffodils, planted last Autumn, are starting to peep through. The pupils have worked really hard this week, and I am sure that you can see how their work is making progress via our Twitter posts. We are still hopeful that we can have a face to face parent meeting so you can see their books at the end of term. As always we are governed by Welsh Government and Swansea guidance. We will keep you updated. Here are this week's headlines:-
INSET Days - The school will be closed to pupils on 18th and 28th February and 6th June 2022. This will give our pupils an extra long half term. There will also be an additional bank holiday, for the Queen's Jubilee, on 29th April giving everyone a wonderfully long bank holiday weekend. Let's hope for some lovely Spring weather.
School Market Place - Last week I mentioned that we can all help each other in the ethos of reduce, re-use and recycle. If you have "unwanted stuff" for sale or for free, just send us an email with the details and your contact information, and we will share with our families. If you have any of the following to donate to the school, please send in with your child:- good quality toys (not soft toys), books, lego, construction, toy cars, stationary, art equipment, paper, card, indoor planters, outdoor pots, gardening tools, compost.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Caswell