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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 14th January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers, 


We have had a fantastic week of learning, and it has almost felt like business as usual.  Thank you once again for helping us keep safe and wearing masks on site.  We have had a few more cases this week including a staff member.  We must try to keep our staff safe to avoid closing pods.  You received a letter yesterday outlining all the new guidance but here is a reminder:-


1. Do not send your child to school if they are unwell with any of the symptoms including cough, high temperature, change or loss of taste/smell, headaches, tiredness or general aches and pains.  If they have these symptoms please book a PCR.  (5 years+) 

2. If your child is a close contact of a positive case at home or school, please administer LFTs every day for 7 days.  Tests should be taken before school. 

3. If your child has a positive LFT and has symptoms - book a PCR.  If they have no symptoms they must still self-isolate for 7 days and have a negative LFT on days 6 and 7 before they return. 


If you have any questions, please contact us.  We all need to reach a sensible and balanced approach to ensure our pupils and staff are as safe as possible.    Here are the other headlines this week: 


Home learning - Our pupils deserve the best we can offer in terms of learning, and for this to be most effective, we need your help.  Covid has had a huge impact on pupils' readiness to learn.  We need to further develop pupils' positivity towards learning as well setting high expectations of themselves.  Please help us to help your child by agreeing to the expectations for home learning set by your pod staff.  Together we can develop the skills of "how to learn" to embed independence and positive attitudes to learning. 

100 Club - We have now launched the Spring Term's 100 club.  Please support us with just £1 per week, as this makes a huge difference to the resources and opportunities we can offer our pupils.  You can sign up for 5 weeks (£5) or 10 weeks (£10) and negotiate your numbers with Jayne in the office.  A big thank you to the staff who diligently record the draws each week to raise money for the pupils.  Please ask your relatives and friends to support us too!  For more information click here


Sports Club - As a North Gower Partnership, we will review the decision to postpone sports club regularly.  We really hope to resume as soon as we can. 


Matthew’s House – For the New Year, we have decided to start a '0 waste' campaign to ensure that everything can be used/re-used and that nothing goes to waste. Our Humanities pupil voice group have had the fantastic idea to collect any toiletries and unwanted food (non-perishable) from Christmas time so that we can donate them to Matthew’s House and stop them going to waste. If you have anything suitable that you can donate, please bring them into to school so we can start our collection. 


As always, thank you for all your support, have a great weekend.


Mrs Caswell 
