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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 14th October 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you for another great week in Llanrhidian.  There is a lot going on, and we are so grateful for part you play in providing our pupils with the best learning opportunities we can offer.  


Caffi Cynefin had its busiest this week and it appears that word is getting out.  This venture is an authentic experience for our learners, and has far reaching benefits for our community. We are all hoping it is something we can sustain, and become a part of our long term curriculum.  The pupils love it, and our intention is for all of Pod Pry Cop to work there throughout the year; with all the other pupils to visit there as customers.  We are also hoping for special guest appearances from our choir and will keep you updated.  The police are hoping to be joining us weekly for a "cuppa with a copper" too.  Please please spread the word, and if you know anyone who would benefit from some good company and a real "cynefin" experience, please bring them along.  A huge thank you to our volunteers to really help us to keep this going.  If you want to help out, please let us know.  Next week we will be running Caffi Cynefin as usual, plus a Caffi in Marchnad Mis in the afternoon.  


We have a very busy end of half term and we hope to see you all at our upcoming events.  Here are the headlines this week. 


Harvest Thursday, October  20th 2022 - We will be celebrating with a selection of fun activities and the launch of our brand new Marchand Mis. (See Below)  We will also be collecting non-perishable food items, toiletries, and warm clothing items (hats, gloves, socks, etc) to send to our good friends at Matthew’s House on the day. 


Marchnad Mis (Monthly Market)  Thursday October 20th  - We will be introducing our pupils to the world of business and work by holding a community market in our marquee each month.  Our first event will be on Thursday October 20th and we have had a number of local stall holders interested in attending.  To launch the first "Marchnad Mis" we are combining it with our very own Harvest Market.   Each pod will be promoting and running their own stalls to sell something homegrown, homemade or free trade.  Look out for more information from your pod! The marchnad will run from 1.30 til the end of the school day.  If you do visit the market and wish to collect your child early so they can attend with you, we will accommodate.  There will be tea and coffee available.    Please bring your own bags.  This will be a cash only event as there is no wifi signal in the field.


Curriculum Design Day 24th October 1.30-3.30 in School Hall - Again this is another event we held annually before covid.  Asking parents to come in, talk to the pupils and see what our school offers has been such a vital part of our curriculum design.  Many of the changes we have made over the years have come from the pupils themselves, as well as you, the parents and carers.  Your views really do matter to us, and it is important that we know what you think is going well, and what you think we can improve.  Our older pupils will be running the event, so please come along and join in the discussions. 


Monster Ball Wednesday October 26th (After School) 4.30 until 6pm (Volunteers from 1pm)  -   Please come to our Monster Ball.  All pupils will need to be collected after school and brought back by 4.30.  There will be no sports club on this day.  Please note that all children will need to be supervised as staff have other designated duties to keep everyone safe.  There will be a disco in the marquee (run by Mr G); refreshments (hot  dogs, soup and cakes); fancy dress (pupils and adults) and lots of fun! Thank you to those who have volunteered to help.  If you can support the event with donations of cakes to sell, we would be most grateful.  Weather permitting - this will be an outside event.  Looking forward to seeing you all. 


INSET Days -   We  have an INSET day on the last day of term December 23rd.  All term times are available here. 


School Uniform Reminder - Thank you so much for the donations of good quality uniform, we are circulating these as requests come in.  Please keep them coming!  We no longer hold any new uniform in the office, and this needs to be purchased from Bergoni or Wipeout Ordering online is the quickest way to receive your goods. 


Parent Open Evening Monday November 7th - Straight after half term we would like to invite you into the pod to have a look at your child's learning environment, their books and to chat with the staff.  This is a drop in session between 3.30 and 5.30, and we encourage you to bring your child so they can show you around.  You will also have a written report at the end of Autumn and you will have a formal meeting in Spring. However, as always, if you do have any concerns please email the office and we will be in touch as soon as we can. 


Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Caswell


