Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly a huge thank you to you all for a wonderful parents' evening. We hope you enjoyed seeing your child's progress, and were able to see how our curriculum is enabling our pupils to learn in a fun, authentic and creative way.
Next week we will be saying "au revoir" to Mrs Williams. She has drawn her final 100 club winner which is a must see - please click here. I hope you can all join us next week in our Easter Bonnet parade where you will have a chance to say goodbye.
As you are aware there have been a number of recent changes to covid guidance, but with schools remaining at HIGH on the Welsh Government’s framework this has led to some conflicts between both sets of advice. With the rules of isolation moving from “must” to “should”, this is now the responsibility of the parents. If your child has any of the main symptoms of COVID-19, they should self-isolate and take a lateral flow test (LFT) . If they test positive on any COVID-19 test (PCR or LFT), they should self-isolate for 5 full days. Day 1 is the day after the symptoms started or the day of the test, if you do not have symptoms (whichever is earlier). A lateral flow test (LFT) should be taken on day 5. We will keep you informed of any further changes for schools after the Easter break.
We are really hoping that the worst of covid is now behind us all, and hope that we will begin to see further improvement in attendance, and therefore progress for every pupil. There is no surprise that good attendance is linked to better progress and improved pupil well-being. Pupils do not just learn during lesson times, they also learn when they are playing and relaxing with their friends which leads to higher levels of self esteem.
We are really looking forward to next Friday afternoon when you are invited to see our Easter Bonnet Pod Parades. Thank you for supporting this event by providing a bonnet, there are some traditional events that should never be lost in a primary school! Staff are also working on an online Easter treat for you and family to enjoy. (A big thank you to the staff for going above and beyond as usual). Here are this week's headlines:-
Easter Bonnet Parades Friday 8th April - You are all invited to watch the pod parades. This will sadly be Mrs Williams' last day with us, but we have a few VIPs joining us to wish her well.
Approximate times are:-
Morning Nursery 11.15
Afternoon Nursery 2.15pm
Pengwins 2.30pm
Pysgodyns 2.45
PryCops 3.00
Weather permitting this will be around the school field so we have plenty of room to socially distance. (If it is wet - bring an umbrella and we will do it around the yards. We will put a table of tea and coffee out for you to help yourself, but please bring a re-useable cup for both covid and sustainable reasons. We will not be charging, but will have a donation bucket to help raise monies for Ukraine. Thank you for our mums who have offered to help! :)
Easter Raffle - This will be drawn next week - good luck everyone. The office staff will let you know if you have won.
Gower Cycling Festival Sunday July 10th (morning) - We have been asked to be a "pit stop" again for this traditional event. White Rock Events have already sponsored us a wonderful football kit and are also trying to source us some free portaloos for our sports day. We only have a few staff able to support this event, so if there are any parents who would like to help us run some refreshments and raise some funds for the school or their pods, please let me know next week and we can discuss.
Have a fabulous weekend, and thank you again for your positivity! It does us all good to remember that happiness is a mood, but positivity is a mindset!
Mrs Caswell