Dear Parents and Carers,
Our Attendance now stands at 92.2% (down from last term)
Swansea Target 95%
Llanrhidian Target 96%
This is going to be an amazing term. The Summer brings us better weather, our wild flower meadow, plenty of outdoor learning and of course our traditional sports day event. After the longest winter ever, we are ready for a great end of the school year. Thank you for your kind donations of plants and flowers - what a difference it has already made to our wonderful gardens.
Our new topic "Green, Green Grass of Home" has started with a bang. We have had a range of fabulous launch activities to spark the imaginations of our learners. Each pod is now planning what they want to learn and the teachers are busy designing the experiences for the pupils. We will be sending out our "Pod Project Overviews" next week for you to see what will be planned.
It is easy to forget the huge effort that goes behind our school's success. Without your ideas and support, the pupils' voice and the staff commitment, Llanrhidian would not be the school it is. We have a very busy term ahead, so here are the headlines:-
New Plant Bach Llanrhidian (Parent and Toddler Group) We are so happy to launch a new parent and toddler group each Thursday afternoon (term times). Thank you to the parents who suggested this, I hope you see it is another example of how we listen to the views of our stakeholders. The success of Caffi Cynefin means that we can fully fund the toddler group, and are looking forward to seeing many pre-school children there. Please spread the word. All welcome, even if they are going to go to another school. This is about offering our community a place to meet and chat! For more information click here.
Kings Coronation Friday May 5th - All pupils are invited to dress as a King, Queen, Princess, Prince or just plain posh for our afternoon garden party. Each pod will be planning this event with the pupils so look out for more information from your pod staff.
Gower Cycling Festival Sunday June 25th (morning) @School Field. All welcome from 9.30 am. We have been asked to be a "pit stop" again for this traditional event. White Rock Events have already sponsored us a wonderful football kit and are also sourcing us some free portaloos for our sports day. We desperately need help to run a BBQ to sell bacon rolls to the riders. Please let us know if you can help. We are expecting 600 cyclist to ride past the school so come along to cheer them on! Hopefully lots will stop for breakfast. We expect the first of the cyclists to arrive around 9.45 am.
Sports Day June 22nd (Provisional) 2pm til 4pm - We are hoping to have another great event like last year. Bring a picnic blanket and enjoy a few hours of community time. More details to follow.
Please Look After Reading Records - Reading is a very important part of our school day and it is equally important that you read at home with your child. Our reading records are a vital way in which you can inform us of your child's reading journey. Please look after these as they cost us money to print and far too many are being lost or damaged. If you would like any tips about reading with your child then please watch this video.
#LlanReadtoRelax week 9th-12th May 2023 - We are very excited to announce that we will be hosting our very own Read to Relax week this term. Throughout the week, all pupils will immerse themselves in a variety of activities linked to our love of reading and imagination. Staff and pupils will all share some of their favourite stories and become their own authors and write their own fairytales. On Wednesday 10th May 2023 we will have a Llanrhidian 2nd hand book sale to help raise much-needed funds for our school. We are now collecting any good quality children's storybooks for this sale, if you have any books that you would like to donate to our 2nd hand book sale then please send them to school with your child. Books will only be sold on 10th May and all books will be £1. Finally, on Friday 12th of May we will end our exciting week by having our very own Pyjamarama event. Pupils will be invited to come into school in their pyjamas where they will enjoy some exciting treats and activities.
Free School Meals - We are pleased to inform you that we will be rolling out free school meals to all existing year 2 pupils after May half term (5 June).
Mr G's Internet Safety Tip of the Week - Our children are not always safe from harm when in their own homes. This is because mobile devices make them accessible to the outside world. Please protect your child by monitoring all their activities on all devices. Please adhere to the legal ages of social media platforms eg WhatsAp, Facebook, TikTok etc. and for the sake of your child’s mental health never assume all is well. In school we encourage the use of THINK before posting anything.
T - Is it true?
H - Is it helpful?
I - Is it insprirational?
N - Is it necessary?
K - Is it kind?
If the answer is NO to any of these. DO NOT POST!
Premises Plea - We are always looking to make our environment welcoming, interesting and stimulating. We need:-
- Artificial plants,
- Real house plants
- Interesting ornaments (not too delicate)
- Fake Grass
- Cut logs for seats
- Slices of log for displays
- Bark chippings for paths
- Good quality board games, packs of cards
Dates at a Glance:
King's Coronation May 5th - Garden Party and Dressing Up
#LlanReadtoRelax week 9th-12th May 2023
Sports Day June 22nd (Provisional) 2pm til 4pm
Gower Cycling Festival Sunday June 25th (morning)
INSET DAYS - June 30th; July 21st; July 24th
Bank Holiday - May 1st; May 8th