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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 25th September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


Here are the main headlines this week.


1. Swansea Lockdown

We have received the news this afternoon that Swansea will enter a local lockdown commencing Sunday 27th September. Please be assured that schools will remain open during this period.


2. Parents Evening

We will be offering parents the option of having a parent consultation phone call after October Half Term. Teachers will phone parents between 3.40pm and 5pm during the period from Monday 2nd November to Thursday 5th November. The phone call will last up to 10 minutes. If you wish to receive a phone call, please contact Jayne in the office with your preferred date and time and we will do our best to accommodate you. Please note that this is an optional meeting and we will be sending home pupil progress reports at the end of term as we did last year. The agenda for the phone call will be to discuss your child's well-being, their progress in Literacy and Numeracy and their home learning.


3. Home Learning

 The teachers are working incredibly hard to make their pod web pages a one stop shop for your child's learning both at home and in school. The pod page contains a "Home Quest" section which contains links to websites which we expect your children to use regularly at home e.g. Reading Eggs. It is incredibly important that you spend time working on these activities at home with your children in addition to their daily reading and spelling practice. If your child is self-isolating at any point, they need to use the pod page to keep on top of their learning.


4. One Way System

We are very aware that our one-way system is not convenient, but it is there to keep us all safe.  The pinch point seems to be around the drop off zone gate where parents are going against the one way system at pick up time.  Please do not do this as it very narrow and we are seeing parents squeeze past each other.  Please also inform extended family members of the need for social distancing. 


If you have mobility issues and you cannot walk around the school, then please stand outside the drop off zone gate and we will bring your child to you when we can.  But please expect to wait as staff are supervising other children. 

4. Swansea Lockdown

We have received the news this afternoon that Swansea will enter a local lockdown commencing Sunday 27th September. Please be assured that schools will remain open during this period.



Have a lovely weekend all!

Mrs Jones
