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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 26th November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,


Our fight to keep our core business of learning going has never been as challenging.  Our struggle with Covid19 is clearly far from over, and we are reporting new cases nearly every day.  Please help us to stay open by using common sense and vigilance to reduce the spread.  Until guidance changes, we will carry on sending "warn and inform" letters  if there has been a positive case in your pod. 


If your child is off school, for whatever reason, (and is well enough) please remember that our blended learning approach enables you to access “pod flip bits”, “home quests” and “check ins" at any time from any device.  Your child is well trained in using the website and their pod pages, however, if you are struggling to find the lessons and activities, just drop us an email in the office.  

Here are the headlines this week:


1. Reminder Christmas Raffle - Thank you to those who have sent in prizes and money for tickets.   We are creating "Pod Hampers" (as many as we can) so please send in wine, chocolates, Christmas items etc.  Also if you are in the position to donate a larger "stand alone" prize we would be very grateful.  As always, if you know any local businesses who can help, please ask them for us too and we will Tweet a thank you.  We have already booked and planned a special launch day for our pupils in January, and this does cost the school.  The money we raise helps us to provide our pupils with the best experiences and resources that really does impact on their learning.  Thank you again for your support.


2. Please help to save the planet with our “Free School Uniform Scheme” - We are grateful to those who have sent in good quality uniform for us to re-cycle.  If you are interested in a bag of free uniform, please email the office with the size needed and we will send home any items that we can. 


3. Warm Clothes for Asylum Seeker Families – We have strong community links with other schools and organisations who are in desperate need of warm clothes for families who are arriving in our city with just the clothes on their back.  If you have any spare, warm clothes, children’s or adults, please send them into school so we can distribute.  Thank you so much for those who have sent in already – these have already been distributed to such families.


4. Reminder “Christmas Events” - There will be lots of events popped into the diary over the next few weeks, so please look out for pod emails.  We know how expensive Christmas jumpers can be so we will happy for your child to wear these to more than one event.  The official Christmas Jumper Day (Save the Children) is 10th December.  We will be asking for £1 donation for this amazing charity.  However we hope the children will also wear them on Christmas Dinner Day and the last week of term.  Please don't forget to book your virtual Santa message  - here is the link. 


5. Final Reminder - Virtual Christmas Concert Consent - Our fabulous staff are already planning the virtual Christmas shows that will be released onto our school website at the end of term.  All pupils will be involved in rehearsing and teachers use this opportunity to develop skills across the expressive arts area of learning.  Please complete the following online form by end of today so we can film your child.  Without this completed form we will not include your child in the final version. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. 


Have a great weekend


Mrs Caswell 
