Here are this week's main headlines:
1. Parent/Teacher Meetings
A reminder that we will be offering parents the option of having a parent consultation phone call after October Half Term. Teachers will phone parents between 3.40pm and 5pm during the period from Monday 2nd November to Thursday 5th November. The phone call will last up to 10 minutes. If you wish to receive a phone call, please contact Jayne in the office with your preferred date and time and we will do our best to accommodate you. Please note that this is an optional meeting and we will be sending home pupil progress reports at the end of term as we did last year. The agenda for the phone call will be to discuss your child's well-being, their progress in Literacy and Numeracy and their home learning.
2. Pod Pages
Over the last few weeks, we have been all working hard to improve our Pod Pages. Our aim is to provide you and your child with a virtual platform which will support learning before, during and after new skills and activities have been introduced in school. In addition, our goal is to provide a platform that will help your child continue their learning should their be another instance of school closure i.e. should a class be sent home as a whole group to self isolate. We strongly urge you to support your children to access the website daily at home.
You will begin to notice some changes to our pod pages over recent weeks. The teachers are now working hard to provide a suite of videos which will support your child through the learning process. We have broken these videos into manageable chunks to scaffold and guide your child. We devise the videos according to our HAKA approach:
H - Hook
Video 1 will provide a video to inspire and motivate your child into engaging with the new skill/concept
A - Authentic
Video 2 will set an authentic context so your children understand why they are learning these skills/concepts.
K - Knowledge
Video 3 will guide your child through the learning process.
A - Application
Video 4 will give your child an opportunity to apply their new skills in a meaningful context.
Your feedback on the new pod pages would be greatly appreciated.
3. School Uniform
Great news - school uniform can now be ordered on linb
e by visiting: