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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 4th December

This week's headlines:

1. Will school finish early this term?

Parents have been asking if school will finish early this term. The advice from the LA is;

‘There has been a lot of talk about switching to remote learning during the week commencing 14 December. Unless there is a national directive to do so, Swansea schools will remain open until 18 December. Nearly all schools/ providers will finish on 18 December and utilise INSET days on 21 and 22


In addition - The local Authority has advised all schools to pre-warn parents of the potential that they may have to close / reduce operations as we approach the end of term with reducing staffing levels. We have done incredibly well to keep all podlets active as much as possible with only 1 podlet having to close this term so far.


We recognise parents concern with the potential of their children having to isolate over Christmas, therefore, if parents choose to keep children home we understand their decision. Please however inform us via email so we are able to monitor where all children are. The week of the 14th will be festive fun,

toys, games and crafts.

2.  Reports

The children's end of term reports will be published online during the last week of term. You will need to use your child's HWB password to access the report in the shared files area. Please click here for a reminder of how to view the report. Please contact the school if you need a reminder of your child's passwords. (Older children will know their own password.)

3. Covid19

Should you need to report a positive case "out of school opening hours", please use the contact form on our website.  The link to this page can be accessed here. Non urgent queries or requests can continue to be raised through the office email: .


Please click here to access information regarding TTP, symptoms and testing. Here you will find clear guidelines of when you must keep your child at home and details of the self-isolation requirements.

4. Christmas Raffle

We are still collecting raffle prizes for our traditional Christmas Raffle. Please see below for the colour of your class.  Please could all donations be in by Monday 7th December to allow for quarantining.

Nursery - Green

Reception  - White

Year 1  - Silver

Year 2 - Purple

Year 3 - Purple

Miss Colwill - Red

Mr Dowsett - Gold

