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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Blog Friday 7th May 2021

Dear Parents,


Fun Fridays are being really well received by the pupils and we are thrilled that we have been able to make the most of the outdoors during this time.  It is so important that we end each week on a high note, and I hope your children are telling you all about their activities.   Fun Fridays also enable nearly all teachers to take their PPA at the end of the week, which is much less disruptive to the pods' learning.  


The marquee has now gone until Autumn, and we are awaiting for our wild flower garden to be prepared.  It is so important that we all begin to feel a little more hopeful as the weather improves and we can make the most of the outdoors. 


As we are entering more relaxed times we will continue to operate under the school's operational guidance, and will keep you fully informed of any changes.  For example we can now take children off site.  However, we will do this only with due consideration.  We are beginning to feel like a fully functioning school again with our attendance well over 95%.


You will hear about schools having a recovery plan.  Well ours is already up and running.  We are focusing on well-being, relationships and the enjoyment of learning.  Do not believe the media when they talk about a "lost" generation. Our children are the "next" generation and they will rise to the future challenges  because they are developing resilience, empathy, tolerance and because they have you and us to support them when they need it.  The new curriculum for Wales is appropriate more now than ever.  Schools have the autonomy to provide pupils with what they need, and that is our plan.       


Please remember to follow us on Twitter for some daily updates across the school.  Your pod staff use this regularly, so please ask family and friends to follow us, and don't forget to like the tweets.  (Staff do get quite competitive about how many likes they get!)    @LlanrhidianP


Reminder  - Pyjamarama Day Friday 14th May 2021 - Join the PJ Masks, Tracy Beaker and Horrid Henry for a fun day in your pyjamas. Children are invited to wear their pyjamas to school to spend the day reading, enjoying and sharing stories together.  

Pyjamarama is all about getting children excited about reading,

fundraising and to make sure every child gets their bedtime story. Please send in a small donation of £1 per family. Money raised will be sent to the Booktrust.   For more information on how Booktrust supports children’s reading please visit the following link:


Have a fabulous weekend 

Kind Regards

Mrs Caswell 
