The Pengwin school day starts at 8.55am and ends at 3.20pm.
Pod Pengwin are the Reception and Year 1 pupils at Llanrhidian school. The children play and learn together and move between both learning workshops.
We use the RWI reading scheme to teach the children how to read in school and they learn their sounds and how to blend on a daily basis.
Reading books go home twice a week. They are collected in on a Monday and we then read with the children on Monday & Tuesday. Books go back out on a Wednesday so that they can share their stories with you. (Please can you make a note in the comment section that you have read with your child). On Friday we change all books to go home for the weekend.
Snack & Lunchtime.
The children can bring a healthy snack to school each day and we eat this before break in the morning.
Children can order a cooked dinner using their Squid accounts or they can bring in their own packed lunch.
We eat all our lunches in the classrooms.
Welly Wednesday.
Our Forest school activities are on a Wednesday afternoon and the children can come to school in their Wellies. We go out in all weather so please make sure that they are wearing suitable clothing e.g. coats, sunhats, bobble hats.
Play is important.
The children will still continue to learn through play and will have plenty of opportunities to play both indoors and outside. The role play areas are changed regularly in both workshops and this year we have had Pirate ships, Surf shops and spaceships. The role play areas will change with our termly topic.
Every day the children will complete Spotlight activities in which there are focused tasks taught by the class teachers. They will then use these taught skills to take part in some independent learning called IQ's or Independent Quests. The children will also have Choice and Challenge cards in some classroom areas where they will play games, problem solve or paint pictures relating to the topic.
PE is on a Friday and children can come to school in their sports kit. They can wear joggers,T-shirts, shorts & trainers. House colour Tshirts are available from the school office.
The days are very busy and go very quickly. The children will be tired at first but this will get better as they build up their stamina over the coming weeks. If you have any questions then please speak to myself or Miss Walters. We are always happy to help and will do our best to answer questions and solve problems.