Croeo i Pod Planning!
Our Pod Pili-Pala Project Summer Overview.
As you know our topic for this term is 'Allez les Champions!' and after our launch day activities the children were then asked what they would like to learn about. They recorded their EPIC (Everyone Planning in Class) ideas and these ideas were then linked to the skills that the children need to learn this term.
Please find below a copy of some of the skills that the children will need to learn, understand and apply and the ideas that they would like to learn about.
Pod Pili-Pala Project Overview Summer 2024
Our Pod Pili-Pala Project Spring Overview.
As you know our topic for this term is 'Make Do and Mend' and after our launch day activities the children were then asked what they would like to learn about. They recorded their EPIC (Everyone Planning in Class) ideas and these ideas were then linked to the skills that the children need to learn this term.
Please find below a copy of some of the skills that the children will need to learn, understand and apply and the ideas that they would like to learn about.
Pod Pili-Pala Pod Project Overview Spring 2023
Our Pod Pili-Pala Project Autumn Overview.
As you know our topic for this term is 'True Colours' and after our launch day activities the children were then asked what they would like to learn about. They recorded their EPIC (Everyone Planning in Class) ideas and these ideas were then linked to the skills that the children need to learn this term.
Please find below a copy of some of the skills that the children will need to learn, understand and apply and the ideas that they would like to learn about.