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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Professional Learning Grant

Professional Learning Grant 2023/24



The funding can be used flexibly to allow schools to work together in ways that suit their own circumstances.  Examples of how the funding can be used include (but are not limited to):-

  • Releasing and covering staff to be involved in collaborative professional learning and collaborative planning – at a school level, across clusters and other networks
  • Incentivising and rewarding staff to investigate the implications of the new curriculum for their own teaching and assessment practice – at individual level, by funded release for critical enquiry
  • Creating roles and posts dedicated to the mission, and especially to supporting colleagues, departments and whole schools through critical enquiry, change management and schools as learning organisations (SLO) activities.
  • Development of the role of school or cluster level professional learning coach – this is one of the key findings of the research activity by the universities in looking at the national approach to professional learning, and an area in which we would encourage investment.


At Llanrhidian Primary School, we aim to use our Professional Learning Grant to support the continuing professional learning for all staff. Professional learning should support improvements in pupil experiences, learner outcomes and learner wellbeing.



  • Develop strategies for auditing current provision and ensuring effective implementation of the new curriculum, including valuing pupils voice 

  • Continuing to develop and design a curriculum that supports pupils realise the four purposes 

  • Identifying effective approaches, strategies and links between each area of learning

  • Supporting the development of an authentic curriculum in line with the school development plan

  • Developing effective planning to generate rich and varied opportunities to develop essential cross-curricular skills, both indoors and outdoors

  • Ensure that all staff are well trained and confident in spotlight, IQ and Choice and Challenge sessions

  • Develop assessment processes with a focus on learner progression


Success Criteria

  • Enhanced pupil voice across the school and curriculum

  • Appropriate balance between focused teaching and pupil's self-directed learning

  • Effective deployment of adults to improve standards

  • Differentiation meeting the needs of all learners

  • Excellent classroom organisation and practice

  • Improved systems for assessment for and of learning

  • Refined and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of all learners, providing progression and continuity in all Areas of Learning

  • Improved Self Directed Learning of nearly all pupils.


Grant Funding 

PLG  = £3,489

Links to SDP: L1, L2, L3

Links to Estyn Framework: NIA 1,2,3,4,5
