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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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Pupil Agreement

To help me do well at school, I will do my best to:


  • Be positive, confident, honest and truthful.
  • Attend school regularly and on time.
  • Believe in myself and reach for the stars.
  • Always cherish learning and understand that all learning is important.
  • Work hard and aim high at all times and try to reach my targets.
  • Strive to become an effective independent and interdependent learner.
  • Use critical thinking, communication skills and a range of resources to develop my questioning of the world around me. 
  • Respect the school’s learning environment and share and care for all its resources. 
  • Wear my school uniform with pride.
  • Remember my PE kit, and show good sportsmanship at all times.
  • Work hard on my pace and presentation of my work. 
  • Use the school's zones of self regulation to help me understand how I can calm down or move into the green zone for learning.
  • Approach an adult in the school if I feel angry,  sad, worried or I am concerned about someone else.
  • Demonstrate excellent behaviour, good manners and remember that my behaviour reflects on myself, my parents, the school and the community.