I wonder if you could a fictional story as an evacuee so Pod Pengwin can understand what life was like for an evacuee?
L.O To write using simple details.
L.O To write using exciting vocabulary.
L.O To improve their writing by changing words to create an effect/add detail.

Humanities L.O - To recognise similarities and differences between people’s lives, both in the past and present.
I wonder what life was like for an evacuee?
What was an evacuee?
Why were children evacuated?
What was life like as an evacuee?
What would it feel like to be an evacuee?
Watch these videos to find out
Evacuating The Children (1940)
Full title reads: "Evacuating The Children". VS Good shots including CUs of Salvation army women and policemen helping hundreds of children aboard special trains at the London main line stations. Good CUs of children leaning out of train windows smiling. GV Children stepping down from train onto crowded platform of the country station where they are to be evacuated.
A Day in the Life Of A 10-Year-Old Evacuee - Hands on History - BBC
Subscribe and 🔔 to the BBC 👉 https://bit.ly/BBCYouTubeSub Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 https://bbc.in/iPlayer-Home More information: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/handsonhistory Follow Eric (voiced by Daniel Roche from Outnumbered) as he goes back in time to find out what the Second World War was like for children, from being evacuated and coping with rationed sweets and eggs, to collecting scrap metal to make Spitfires.
An evacuee's adventure | History - Children of World War Two
Betty lived in Cardiff during the war and was evacuated to Aberdare. With her family friend, Anesha, she retraces the journey and describes what it was like to leave home, live with a different family, and attend a different school.