School Closure Week
Let us know how you are doing this week by clicking the links below to check-in with Mrs Jones or Mr Goremano.
A Message For Pod Pysgodyn

1. Check In
Your first job this week is to check in with us to let us know how you are doing! Don't forget to leave your name.

2. Daily Worship with Mrs Caswell.
Mrs C says well done to all the pupils for an amazing term. Click the picture to listen to a fun Christmas story about Santa needing a wee! Merry Christmas Everyone!
4. Maths
Visit Numbots and TT Rock Stars each day to practise your number skills! Check in with us to tell us how you are getting and if you manage to move up a level!
We have been working on money recently in school. Try these chilli challenges.
5. The Christmas Story
Listen to Mr G telling the story of the first Christmas.
Watch this video about the Christmas story

5. Enjoy a Christmas story with Mrs Austin.
Enjoy a lovely Christmas story!

Siarad Cymraeg Gyda Mrs Austin