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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Development Plans

School Development Summary


Throughout the year we constantly reviewed and evaluated our progress within three areas:- 

Vision and Leadership - We have strong processes to enable all staff to develop as leaders.  as a result our team drive our curriculum vision forward with consistency and enthusiasm.  

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning - We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school that provides authentic, purposeful and relevant learning experiences for every learner.  As a result, nearly all pupils thrive in Llanrhidian in terms of achievement and well-being. 

Well-being, Equity and Inclusion - There is a caring and respectful ethos that permeates the daily life of school and this has effectively supported pupils' wellbeing consistently over many years. School leaders and the ALN team track and monitor pupils' progress effectively as they move through the school. As a result both pupils and staff display high levels of personal well-being and relationships are positive. The school has very good links with its community and nearly all parents and carers feel they are kept fully informved and are involved in school life.


For a full self evaluation document (SED), please click here. 

Summary of Targets 2023-24


Due regard is given to the following national priorities:


NP1: Improving pupils’ progression by ensuring their learning is supported by a range of knowledge, skills and experience


NP2: Reducing the impact of poverty on learners’ progression and attainment


Curriculum Learning & Teaching


L1 Further develop writing through refining the progression of editing and re-drafting skills across the school. 1.1 A range of monitoring activities has highlighted the need to support pupil progress in writing.  Although all pupils are encouraged to edit and refine work, the current approach is not impacting consistently across the school.    NP1
L2 Further develop a progressive range of strategies to support pupil resilience in mathematical reasoning. 1.1 A range of monitoring activities has identified that a minority of pupils “give up” when faced with challenging problems.   These pupils are unable to break down the problem in to manageable parts.  This was also identified as an area for development through the personal assessments. NP1
 T1 Continue the positive progress of Welsh Oracy, extending its incidental use outside of lesson contexts 3.1 Pupils are highly motivated in their learning of Welsh, however it’s use outside the classroom is limited.  Teachers need to provide pupils with opportunities to learn the language patterns that they can consistently apply outside of lessons.   NP1 
T2 Further develop planning to support the progression of each area of learning. 3.2 Planning has greatly improved to put the pupils’ progress and next steps at the its heart.  Domains have been developed across the NGP and teachers have mapped these out over a two year cycle.  However, to ensure progression, teachers and leaders have recognised the need to develop mid term planning to ensure knowledge, skills and concepts are built up on across the school and across each AoLE. NP1

T3 Develop opportunities for progressive “ACE” skills (analysis, creativity and evaluation) across all AoLEs and across the school. 3.2

Planning has greatly improved to put the pupils’ progress and next steps at the its heart.  Domains have been developed across the NGP and teachers have mapped these out over a two year cycle.  However, to ensure progression, teachers and leaders have recognised the need to develop mid term planning to ensure knowledge, skills and concepts are built up on across the school and across each AoLE.  NP1


Well-being Equity & Inclusion 


Target Rationale 
W1 To develop further engagement in sporting events, in and out of school 2.1The views of stakeholders, parents and pupils, clearly show the want and need for more inter-school clubs.   Pupils need to re-establish their “Llanrhidian Team Spirit” as well as motivating all pupils to aspire to representing their school.  All pupils need to be encouraged to engage in such activities.  NP1&NP2 
W2 Align the school’s feedback policy with the LUA approach to support pupils’ understanding of what they need to do to improve.  2.2 The success of the LUA approach has provided a consistent and progressive language for progression, and has impacted positively upon pupils knowing what they need to do next.  However, our current feedback policy has some acronyms eg DINs and HOTs which are out of sync with the new system. These need to be realigned in order to make the whole system of feedback simpler for pupils to respond to.  The school’s feedback policy will need to be revisited.  NP1&NP2
GSG1 Monitor and refine universal and targeted provision to support all learners 4.1Universal provision across the school has benefitted all learners as part of the implementation towards the ALNET.  However, this could be further refined to ensure the needs of every learner is met through a hybrid approach of universal and targeted support to support learning and well-being.   NP1&NP2  


Vision & Leadership


Target Rationale 
L1 Improve and further streamline AoLE monitoring to ensure reports are evaluative.  5.2 All teachers have developed purposeful monitoring teams in order to improve self-evaluation processes.  As a result, the teams are made up of teachers from across three pods and a more accurate evaluation against school targets have been drawn from a range of evidence.  However, reports are often too descriptive and not evaluative.  This has, at times, made the information unclear and ambiguous.  NP2
L2 Further develop the strategic cycle for governor involvement when evaluating school targets 5.2 Governors meet termly in their sub-groups to discuss the school’s progress against individual targets.  During this time they ask challenging questions and draw upon information they have received from other parents, and sometimes their own pupils.  However, the school has had a number of new governors who need support in their role.  Governors need to visit the school more often to gather the information first hand.  Governor visit protocol and feedback forms have been developed to support this process.  This would strengthen sub-committee meetings as well as provide more effective feedback in full governing body meetings.      NP1&NP2


Reviewing Progress of Targets


The staff and governors have robust systems to review the progress of all targets throughout the year.  However, an annual summary is presented to governors at the end of the Summer term.  This final evaluation informs the following year's Self Evaluation Document (SED) and School Development Plan (SDP).   

School Development Plan 2023-24 - Unevaluated

Evaluation of School Development Plan 2022-23

Evaluation of School Targets 2020-21

Evaluation of School Targets 2018-19
