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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Development Plans

School Development Summary


Throughout the year we constantly reviewed and evaluated our progress within three areas:- 

Leading & Improving- We have strong processes to enable all staff to develop as leaders.  as a result our team drive our curriculum vision forward with consistency and enthusiasm.  

Teaching and Learning - We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school that provides authentic, purposeful and relevant learning experiences for every learner.  As a result, nearly all pupils thrive in Llanrhidian in terms of achievement and well-being. 

Well-being, Care, Support & Guidance- There is a caring and respectful ethos that permeates the daily life of school and this has effectively supported pupils' wellbeing consistently over many years. School leaders and the ALN team track and monitor pupils' progress effectively as they move through the school. As a result both pupils and staff display high levels of personal well-being and relationships are positive. The school has very good links with its community and nearly all parents and carers feel they are kept fully informved and are involved in school life.


For a full self evaluation document (SED), please click here. 

Summary of Targets

July 2024 to June 25


Due regard is given to the following national priorities:


NP1: Improving pupils’ progression by ensuring their learning is supported by a range of knowledge, skills and experience


NP2: Reducing the impact of poverty on learners’ progression and attainment



Reviewing Progress of Targets


The staff and governors have robust systems to review the progress of all targets throughout the year.  However, an annual summary is presented to governors at the end of the Summer term.  This final evaluation informs the following year's Self Evaluation Document (SED) and School Development Plan (SDP).   

School Development Plan 2024-2025

School Development Plan 2023-24 - EVALUATED

Evaluation of School Development Plan 2022-23

Evaluation of School Targets 2020-21

Evaluation of School Targets 2018-19
