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Llanrhidian Primary School

Inspiring our learners to be the best they can be!

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School Staff Agreement

The school will do its best to:


  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is based on the new Curriculum for Wales and the Literacy and Numeracy Framework,  which meets the needs of every child.
  • Strive to achieve high standards of work and behaviour by implementing our school curriculum for learning, behaviour and anti-bullying policies.
  • Ensure that all teaching staff keep up to date on important educational developments and initiatives, which might affect your children, and to inform parents of these at given meetings when appropriate.
  • Keep a positive partnership between parents, carers and staff as we believe that a positive partnership is the key element in raising standards.
  • Provide excellent teaching for learning opportunities through continual self-evaluation.
  • Develop children’s full potential academically, personally and socially by providing quality teaching and learning experiences.
  • Produce independent and reliable young people.
  • Keep parents fully informed through regular letters, newsletters, and notices.
  • Set regular homework menus that reflect every child’s learning needs.
  • Provide  extra curricular activities designed to enrich and extend every child’s learning experience.